Drylands Permaculture Farm
Working with Nature in Our Drylands
Welcome to our Farm
We operate as a not-for-profit environmental organisation – The Drylands Foundation.
Our enterprises that fund our work in conservation and sustainability include a propagation plant nursery, heirloom seeds and garden honey hives.
Permaculture Nursery
Yilgarn Seeds
Non-GMO, Open pollinated vegetable and herb heirloom seeds; and endemic native seeds
Garden Honey
Latest News
We offer environmental education and sustainability training as Permaculture practitioners, tours and are hosts for ‘Willing Workers On Organic Farms’ (WWOOF) and HelpX.
Participate and make a Difference to our Drylands and communities as a volunteer, subscriber or supporter of our social enterprise.
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Contact Details
Drylands Foundation
333 David Rd (North), Waggrakine
Geraldton,Western Australia 6530
Tel. (08) 9938 1628
Mob. 0458 38 1628
ABN: 60 163 754 943
Drylands Foundation
The Drylands Permaculture Farm, is managed by the Drylands Foundation, a not-for-profit environmental organisation.
The Foundation utilises the Farm, to promote and demonstrate environmental sustainability and conservation through social enterprise.

Photo: Flamefruit Cactus © J. Firth 2006