Yilgarn Seeds
Welcome to Yilgarn Seeds
We are a not-for-profit heirloom vegetable & herb seed business managed by the Drylands Foundation at the Drylands Permaculture Farm in Geraldton, Western Australia.
Our seed sales allow us to train volunteers in seed saving and develop our demonstration organic seed gardens and education facilities.
All our vegetable and herb seeds are organically grown in our farm’s permaculture gardens.
Our seeds are non-GMO, open pollinated and non-hybrid.
Seasonal Sowing Calendar
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Frequently Asked Questions
Do you sell to all states of Australia?
Due to demand, including situations such as Covid-19, we cannot always accept orders outside our midwest Western Australian region.
We will generally post updates on our blog and website pop ups as to current status of seed availability.
During periods when demands are high we may need to temporarily close our on-line store to fulfill orders and check stock.
All orders under 100 packets are delivered by Australia Post.
Postage and handling are calculated at checkout.
Postage and handling will not be charged for local pickups from our farm here in Geraldton, Western Australia.
Seeds per Packet
The number of seeds per packet is displayed next to the varieties’ SKU code.
We look to provide enough for gardeners for a number of seasons. Some seeds are very small and are hand counted rather than weighed, and some variation in actual seeds per packet may occur.
Pay Options
Sorry we do not accept on-line credit card payments.
Upon receipt of your order we will confirm that we have stocks to meet your order and provide you with payment details.
For local pickup orders we have eftpos facilities.
Bulk Orders
We do not accept bulk orders due the limitations of the size of our gardens.
Some varieties may have limits in regards to the number of packets you can purchase.
This is dependent on our current stock and what we are currently growing/harvesting in our gardens.
We will confirm quantities upon receipt of your order.
Use of Photos
The Drylands Foundation hold copyright of all photos used on this website, unless otherwise stated.
Please email us should you wish to use or link to our photos for non-commercial or commercial use.
Seed Variety Stock List
Your Subtitle Goes Here
Name | Taxa | Our Sowing Season | Stock | Price | #/Pkt | Avail. |
ASIAN GREENS - Bok Choi | Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 120 | WA, NT, SA | |
ASIAN GREENS - Pak Choi 'Kwang Moon' | Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 120 | WA, NT, SA | |
ASIAN GREENS - Pechay | Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 120 | WA, NT, SA | |
ASPARAGUS - Brocks | Asparagus officinalis | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 25 | WA, NT, SA | |
ASPARAGUS PEA - Palestinian | Tetragonolobus palestinensis | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 50 | WA | |
BARLEY - Popping | Hordeum vulgare | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 200 | WA, NT, SA | |
BASIL - Colin & Ursula's | Ocimum basilicum | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 80 | WA, NT, SA | |
BASIL - East Indian Clove | Ocimum gratissimum | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 60 | WA, NT, SA | |
BASIL - Sweet Giant Leaf | Ocimum basilicum | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 70 | WA, NT, SA | |
BEAN - Black Valentine | Phaseolus vulgaris | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
BEAN - Franco's Green | Phaseolus vulgaris | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
BEAN - French Epicure | Phaseolus vulgaris | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
BEAN - Giant of Stuttgart | Phaseolus vulgaris | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
BEAN - Half White Runner | Phaseolus vulgaris | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
BEAN - Hawkesbury Wonder | Phaseolus vulgaris | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
BEAN - Purple King | Phaseolus vulgaris | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
BEAN - Staley's Surprise | Phaseolus vulgaris | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
BEAN - Sunseeker | Phaseolus vulgaris | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
BEAN - Sunseeker & WA Runner | Phaseolus vulgaris | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
BEAN - Tropical Lima | Phaseolus lunatus | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 12 | WA | |
BEAN - WA Runner | Phaseolus vulgaris | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
BEAN - Winged Bean | Psophocarpus teragonolobus | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 12 | WA | |
BEAN - Yellow Wax | Phaseolus vulgaris | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
BEAN - Zebra | Phaseolus vulgaris | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
BEETROOT - Hebrew Flat Red | Beta vulgaris | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 90 | WA | |
BITTER MELON | Momordica charantia | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 15 | WA | |
BROAD BEAN - Lens' Longpod | Vicia faba | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 18 | WA | |
BROAD BEAN - Nick Kleijn's | Vicia faba | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 30 | WA | |
BROAD BEAN - Peruvian Emerald | Vicia faba | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 33 | WA | |
BROCCOLI - Italian | Brassica oleracea | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 100 | WA | |
BROCCOLI - Verdante | Brassica oleracea | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 100 | WA | |
CALENDULA - Orange flowered | Calendula officinalis | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 75 | WA, NT | |
CAPE GOOSEBERRY - Peruvian Ground Cherry | Physalis peruviana | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 75 | WA, NT, SA | |
CAPSICUM - Centinel | Capsicum annuum | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA, NT | |
CAPSICUM - Japanese | Capsicum annuum | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA, NT | |
CARROT - All Seasons | Daucas carota | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 450 | WA, NT, SA | |
CARROT - Paris Market | Daucas carota | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 450 | WA | |
CATNIP - White Flowering | Nepeta cataria | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 70 | WA, NT, SA | |
CAULIFLOWER- Snowball | Brassica oleracea botrytis group | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 75 | WA, NT, SA | |
CELERY - Golden Self-Blanching | Apium graveolens | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 200 | WA, NT, SA | |
CELTUCE - Narrow Leaf | Lactuca sativum | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 50 | WA, NT, SA | |
CHAMOMILE - German | Chamaemelum nobile | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 700 | WA | |
CHARD - Italian Bledon Spinach | Beta vulgaris | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 100 | WA, NT | |
CHICORY - Green Curled Endive | Cichorium endiva | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 200 | WA, NT, SA | |
CHILLI - Banos Red | Capsicum annuum | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 25 | WA, NT, SA | |
CHILLI - Inferno | Capsicum annuum | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 25 | WA, NT, SA | |
CHILLI - Red Thai Long | Capsicum annuum | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 25 | WA | |
CHILLI - St Helena Orange | Capsicum annuum | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 25 | WA, NT | |
CHILLI - Yellow Peruvian | Capsicum baccatum | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 25 | WA, NT | |
CHINESE CABBAGE - Wong Bok | Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 50 | WA, NT, SA | |
COREOPSIS - Plains | Coreopsis tinctoria | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 150 | WA, NT, SA | |
CORIANDER - Chinese | Coriandrum sativum | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 60 | WA, NT, SA | |
CORIANDER - Thai Serrated Leaf | Eryngium foetidum | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 50 | WA, NT, SA | |
CORN - Chinese Mini | Zea mays | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 100 | WA | |
CORN - Mexican Sweetcorn | Zea mays | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 100 | WA | |
CORN - Multi-Coloured Aztec | Zea mays | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 100 | WA | |
COWPEA - Benny's Moon | Vigna unguiculata | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 25 | WA | |
COWPEA - Black-Seeded Thai | Vigna unguiculata | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 25 | WA | |
COWPEA - Burkino Faso | Vigna unguiculata | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 25 | WA | |
COWPEA - Crowdu Butter Pea | Vigna unguiculata | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 25 | WA | |
COWPEA - Purple Hull Pea | Vigna unguiculata | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 25 | WA | |
CRESS - Garden | Lepidium sativum | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 50 | WA, NT, SA | |
CRESS - Water Cress | Nasturtium offincinalis | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 60 | WA, NT, SA | |
CUCUMBER - African Horned | Cucumis metuliferus | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 25 | WA | |
CUCUMBER - Dongara Long White Apple | Cucumis sativus | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 30 | WA | |
DILL - Culinary | Anethum graveolens | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 50 | WA, NT, SA | |
EDIBLE CHRYSANTHEMUM - Serrated Leaf | Chrysanthemum x morifolium | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA, NT, SA | |
EGGPLANT - Black Beauty | Solanum melongena | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 50 | WA | |
EGGPLANT - Laos Tiger Green Stripe | Solanum melongena | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 50 | WA, NT, SA | |
FENNEL - Milano | Foeniculum vulgare | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 50 | WA, NT, SA | |
FENUGREEK - Marda | Trigonella foenum-graecum | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 30 | WA | |
FEVERFEW - Bachelor's Buttons | Tanacetum partenium | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 75 | WA, NT, SA | |
GARLIC CHIVES - White Flowering | Allium tuberosum | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 25 | WA, NT, SA | |
GOURD - Perhentian Island | Lagenaria siceraria | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 12 | WA | |
GOURD - Yard Long | Lagenaria siceraria | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 12 | WA | |
HENNA - Gaza | Lawsonia alba | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 30 | WA, NT, SA | |
INDIGO - Upright Indigo | Indigofera suffruiticosa | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 30 | WA | |
JOJOBA | Simmondisa chinensis | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 5 | WA, NT, SA | |
LABLAB BEAN - Rongai | Lablab purpureus | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 30 | WA | |
LABLAB BEAN - Seven Year - Highworth | Lablab purpureus | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 25 | WA | |
LEEK - Perennial Bunching | Allium ampeloprasum | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
LEGUME SHRUB - Desmanthus | Desmanthus virgatus | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 30 | WA | |
LEGUME SHRUB - Green Bird Flower | Crotolaria cunninghamii | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 12 | WA | |
LEGUME SHRUB - Leuceana | Leucaena leucocephala | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 20 | WA | |
LEGUME SHRUB - Sesbania - Yellow Pea Shrub | Sesbania cannabina | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 30 | WA | |
LEGUME TREE - Earpod Tree | Enterlobium cyclocarpum | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 10 | WA | |
LEMON BALM - Iranian | Dracohcephalum moldavica | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 30 | WA, NT, SA | |
LETTUCE - Brown Romaine | Lactuca sativa | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 100 | WA, NT, SA | |
LETTUCE - Freckled | Lactuca sativa | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 100 | WA, NT, SA | |
LETTUCE - Goldrush | Lactuca sativa | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 100 | WA, NT, SA | |
LETTUCE - Light Green Wavy Leaf | Lactuca sativa | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 100 | WA, NT, SA | |
LETTUCE - Purple Oak | Lactuca sativa | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 100 | WA, NT, SA | |
LETTUCE - Rabbits Ear | Lactuca sativa | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 100 | WA, NT, SA | |
LETTUCE - Red Batavian | Lactuca sativa | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 100 | WA, NT, SA | |
LUFFA - Angled Luffa | Luffa acutangula | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 12 | WA | |
LUFFA - Palestinian Smooth | Luffa cylindrica | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 12 | WA | |
MALLOW - Egyptian Spinach | Corchorus olitorius | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 50 | WA | |
MARIGOLD - African - Cracker Jack | Tagetes erecta | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 100 | WA | |
MARIGOLD - Mexican | Tagetes minuta | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 200 | WA | |
MARULA - African Cider Tree | Sclerocarya birrea ssp. caffra | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 7 | WA, NT, SA | |
MELON - Minnesota Midget Rockmelon | Cucumis melo | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 25 | WA | |
MILLET- Native | Panicum decompositum | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 80 | WA, NT, SA | |
MINT - Korean | Agastache rugosa | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA, NT, SA | |
MINT - Palestinian Zartmanii | Origanum sp. | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 30 | WA | |
MINT - Ruffled | Mentha sp. | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA, NT, SA | |
MORINGA - Drumstick Tree | Moringa oleifera | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 7 | WA | |
MOTHERWORT - Common | Leonurus cardiaca | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 60 | WA, NT, SA | |
MUSTARD LETTUCE - Mizuna | Brassica juncea | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 50 | WA, NT, SA | |
MUSTARD LETTUCE - Thai Oyster | Brassica juncea | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 50 | WA, NT, SA | |
MUSTARD LETTUCE - Wasabi Kale | Brassica juncea | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 50 | WA, NT, SA | |
NASTURTIUM - Indian Cress | Tropaeolum majus | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 25 | WA | |
OKRA - Lady's Finger | Abelmoschus esculentus | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
ONION - Hebrew Brown | Allium cepa | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 200 | WA | |
OREGANO - Greek | Origanum spp. | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 50 | WA | |
OREGANO - Palestinian Za'atar | Origanum syriacum | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 50 | WA | |
PARSLEY - Egyptian | Petroselinum crispum | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 100 | WA, NT, SA | |
PARSLEY - Italian | Petroselinum crispum | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 100 | WA, NT, SA | |
PASSIONFRUIT - Hawaiian Yellow | Passiflora edulis | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 15 | WA | |
PASSIONFRUIT - Japanese Hardshell | Passiflora maliformis | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 15 | WA | |
PASSIONFRUIT - Love-in-a-Mist | Passiflora foetida | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 25 | WA | |
PASSIONFRUIT - Pawpawadilla | Passiflora sp. | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 20 | WA | |
PASSIONFRUIT - Tennis Ball Pink | Passiflora edulis | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 15 | WA | |
PEA - Japanese and Oregami | Pisum sativum | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 50 | WA | |
PEA - Medusa | Pisum sativum | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 50 | WA | |
PEA - Purple Podded | Psium sativum | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 50 | WA | |
POPPY - Flanders | Papaver rhoeas | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 350 | WA, NT, SA | |
PUMPKIN - Pawpaw | Cucurbita moschata | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 15 | WA | |
PUMPKIN - Sweet Gramma | Cucurbita moschata | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 15 | WA | |
PUMPKIN - Trombolini | Cucurbita moschata | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 15 | WA | |
ROCKET - Arugula | Eruca sativa | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 50 | WA, NT, SA | |
ROSELLA - Hibiscus Flower | Hibiscus sabdariffa | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 35 | WA | |
RUE - Jackman's Blue | Ruta graveolens | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 30 | WA, NT, SA | |
SNAKE BEAN - Black Seeded | Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 25 | WA, NT | |
SNAKE BEAN - Brown Seeded | Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 25 | WA, NT | |
SNAKE BEAN - Red Seeded | Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 25 | WA, NT | |
SNAKE BEAN - Two-tone | Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis | Warm-Hot | $6.00 | 25 | WA, NT | |
SNOWPEA - Chinese Pink | Pisum sativum | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 50 | WA | |
SNOWPEA - Chinese Pink & Super Nova | Pisum sativum | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 50 | WA | |
SNOWPEA - Giant | Pisum sativum | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 50 | WA | |
SNOWPEA - Giant and Chinese Pink | Pisum sativum | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 50 | WA | |
SNOWPEA - Giant and Delta Matilda | Pisum sativum | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 50 | WA | |
SNOWPEA - Sugar Snap | Pisum sativum | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 50 | WA | |
SORGHUM - Mayo Broom Corn | Sorghum bicolour | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 200 | WA | |
SPINACH - Ceylon Running | Basella alba | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 30 | WA, NT | |
SPINACH - Japanese | Spinacia oleracea | Cool-Mild | $6.00 | 70 | WA, NT, SA | |
SPINACH - New Zealand | Tetragonia tetragonioides | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA, NT, SA | |
SPINACH - Red Malabar | Basella alba 'rubra' | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 30 | WA, NT, SA | |
SUNFLOWER - Geraldton Giant | Helianthus annuus | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 35 | WA | |
TANSY - Golden Buttons | Tanacetum vulgare | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 100 | WA, NT, SA | |
TOMATILLO - Grande Verde | Physalis ixocarpa | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 30 | WA, NT, SA | |
TOMATO - Black Krim | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA, NT | |
TOMATO - Black Russian | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA, NT, SA | |
TOMATO - Broad Ripple Yellow Currant | Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA, NT, SA | |
TOMATO - Budiah | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
TOMATO - Golden Sunrise | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA, NT | |
TOMATO - Green Zebra | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA, NT, SA | |
TOMATO - Indian Mayan | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
TOMATO - Lemon Boy | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA, NT | |
TOMATO - Mama Lucie | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA, NT, SA | |
TOMATO - Persimmon | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA, NT, SA | |
TOMATO - Peruvian Red Cherry | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
TOMATO - Pink Ponderosa | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA, NT, SA | |
TOMATO - Purple Calabash | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA, NT, SA | |
TOMATO - Red Chick | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
TOMATO - Rio Colorado | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA, NT, SA | |
TOMATO - Saint Pierre | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA, NT, SA | |
TOMATO - San Marzano | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
TOMATO - Stupice | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
TOMATO - Sweetie | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA, NT, SA | |
TOMATO - Thompson Green Grape | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA, NT, SA | |
TOMATO - Tigerella | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
TOMATO - Verna Orange | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
TOMATO - Yellow Plum | Lycopersicon lycopersicon | Cool-Mild, Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 40 | WA | |
WATERMELON - Palestinian Pride | Citrullus lanatus | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 12 | WA | |
WORMWOOD - Silver Leaved Tree | Artemesia arborescens | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 500 | WA | |
ZUCCHINI - Cocozelle | Cucurbita pepo | Mild-Warm | $6.00 | 15 | WA |
Reasons to Buy Our Plants
Grown Right Here
All our seed is grown on our farm’s Permaculture Gardens in Geraldton.
None of the seeds we sell are imported and repackaged.
Each season we select the best plants from each variety and progressively acclimatise them to our changing climate.
Trusted Advice
We have been growing, saving and selling heirloom seeds since the mid-1980’s.
Our experience in dryland organic gardening allows us to offer practical advice on how and when to grow your productive garden and begin your own seed saving journey.
Buy On-line or At Selected Retailers
You can buy our seeds on-line, call us on 0458 381628 or drop by during our seasonal opening hours.
We also have retailers for direct seed packet sales:
In Geraldton:
- Natures Choice,126 Marine Terrace, Geraldton (08) 9921 4558
In Perth:
- Urban Revolution, 284 Albany Hwy, Victoria Park 0422 905 204
Non-GMO, Chemical Free Seeds
All our seeds are Non-GMO, Non-Hybrid Open Pollinated heirloom varieties.
We grow organically and manage our gardens to avoid cross pollination and keep our varieties pure.
From the Past to the Future
Our vegetables, herbs and local native seed is a valuable biodiversity resource.
By growing on seed, we are able to adapt our varieties to changing climate conditions and demands.
Our heirloom seed varieties represent the efforts of our past seed savers to preserve our botanical and culinary heritage for the future.
Useful Links and Downloads
Why Save Seeds
Produced by the Seed Savers Network
Seed Savers Manual
Produced by Seed Savers Network
Contact Details
Drylands Foundation
333 David Rd (North), Waggrakine
Geraldton,Western Australia 6530
Tel. (08) 9938 1628
Mob. 0458 38 1628
ABN: 60 163 754 943
Drylands Foundation
The Drylands Permaculture Farm, is managed by the Drylands Foundation, a not-for-profit environmental organisation.
The Foundation utilises the Farm, to promote and demonstrate environmental sustainability and conservation through social enterprise.

Photo: Seeds Galore – Yilgarn Seeds © J. Firth 2008