Dec 28, 2020
Annual and perennial organic gardens for trialling and acclimatising heirloom vegetable and herb varieties.
Successful varieties, open pollinated and seed saved.
Marketted as Yilgarn Seed to Western Australian and Australian home gardeners and seed savers.
Seed gardens provide expereince in organic growing, seed saving and revenue for not-for-profit activities.
Dec 28, 2020
Revegetation of remanent bush on creekline area of demonstration farm property.
Planting and protection of propagated local and midwest species to improve representation of biodiversity in our region.
Trialling of conservation thniques and utilisation of vegetation for seed stock.
Sep 20, 2015
Propagation nursery for endemic native plants and multi-use permaculture plants.
Operates to deliver revenue to our not-for-profit Foundation, suitable plants to clients and a horticultural learning environment to students, workshop attendees and members of the public interested in flora, biodiversity and revegetaton.